
Magenta was the company’s first main production and premiered at Festiviteten Haugesund 19. October 2011. The performance was a mixed bill with four different pieces. This was a very strong wish from our founder Anne Jorunn Salhus when we started Kompani Haugesund: to show our diversity, both as dancers and creators. Every choreographer this evening was from the company.

I`ll tell you about the things you want
Choreography: Ingeleiv Berstad

Choreography: Nuri Ribera Anfinsen

Choreography: Eva Grainger, Rikke Westerlund Lie, Katja Henriksen Schia

Another hundred people
Choreography: Solveig Andsnes

Dancers: Hilde Bjørnebøle, Eirik Folkedal, Eva Grainger, Martin Grainger Hammer, Linn Hoftun, Iselin Flatebø Hovland, Ingeborg Beate D. Jønsson, Rikke Westerlund Lie, Elisabeth Sannes, Katja Henriksen Schia (guest dancer), Ingebjørg Sjøvoll and Ida Cathrin Utvik

The production was supported by:  Art Council NorwayFond for utøvende kunstnereRogaland fylkeskommuneHaugesund SparebankFestiviteten, Ginungagap, Eidesvik, Kultur og Festivalutvikling Haugesund kommune, Karmøy kommuneTysvær kommuneSveio kommune, Reidar O. Dommersnes, and Haakon Nordvik